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On Apr 24, 2023, at 7:26 AM, Nicole> wrote:
I was wondering if you happened to have an ALF practitioner who you could recommend in the Chicago or surrounding area–someone who you know has an understanding of the cranial component. When calling the practitioners from the training websites, it seemed many of them used the appliance simply as another orthodontic appliance, without an understanding of the cranial component for which it was designed. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 5:01 PM Dr. Rebecca L. Griffiths, B.S, D.M.D> wrote:
Hi Nikki
You could try looking on for a cranial osteopath in your area and they may have worked with an ALF doc there who they could recommend. ALF patients benefit greatly from co-treatment with a cranial osteopath. Pretty sure that Tim Crowe is an ALF doc in Chicago. He may be able to help. Please tell him I said hello!
Dr G
Hi Dr. Griffiths,
Thank you for your reply. Do you happen to know the differences between the ALF appliance and orthotropics, which often uses appliances such as biobloc? I’m trying to gain a better understanding of the difference between the two.
Thanks again! I will look at that website and reach out to Tim Crowe.
Take Care,
From: “Dr. Rebecca L. Griffiths, B.S., D.M.D.” <>
Date: April 26, 2023 at 6:42:59 PM MST
To: Nicole <>
Subject: Re: ALF appliance
Basically the ALF is the only dentocranial appliance that can actually impact positively the alignment of the cranial bones (of which the upper jaw/maxillae and premaxillae belong) and can be used to create symmetry and balance in asymmetrical and unbalanced conditions.
It is also used (appropriately) as a fixed appliance in the mouth and does not require patient cooperation or compliance with wearing it. Therefore, it works 24/7.
It is completely individualized and able to be designed for the needs in each case. Designs are unlimited.
It is not bulky or invasive to oral volume and actually creates more oral volume, which benefits the airway, tongue space, and breathing and swallowing mechanics.
I have used other removable (and bulky) acrylic orthodontic appliances over the years and, in my humble opinion, NOTHING works as well as the ALF. It is the only appliance I have used since the 1990s with great success, although myofunctional and speech therapy must be included as part of the treatment for post-treatment case stability, but that is a factor for the success of any orthodontic case, irregardless of treatment protocol used as that is what addresses CAUSE.
I hope this helps!
Dr G